Eng Manifestos: a blog about Software Eng Practices.

  • Engineering strategy for early B2B product releases

    Steve Blank’s “Customer Development Process” is meant for any startup launching a new B2B product, from a small team starting in a garage to an intrapreneurial team in a large corporation The Customer Development Process is intended to help teams with discovering their markets, locating their first customers, validating their assumptions, and growing their business. […]

  • Hiring, People Management & Organization Strategies : Pros & Cons

    “Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful” – George Box In Scaling Teams, Alexander Grosse & David Loftesness provide an excellent discussion on various strategies for Hiring, People Management & Organization. While the underlying principles are common-sense, the hard part is following it. I hope this book summary can serve as a quick-reference […]

  • An Engineering Cultural Manifesto guide to help your company win

    The single most valuable management tool while you’re scaling your engineering team is something I call a cultural manifesto. This is a document or a set of materials to help your entire engineering team get on the same page about how you make and operate things, and how you function as a team. – Kevin […]